How One Woman Went from “I Have No Style” to “I’m Hot!”

This makeover is jaw-dropping.

Cynra is an awesome Type 3 woman who has always viewed herself as a “No frills, jeans and T-shirts” sort of woman.

In fact, she came to where she had accepted the belief that she’s “just not stylish.”

But Dressing Your Truth isn’t about being fashionable, it’s about bringing out your true beauty.

I give Cynra an affirmation to use in order to let go of this belief. I believe it will be helpful for you too!

Now, grab a pen and paper so you can write down the affirmation I share with Cynra and get ready to be blown away!

Rediscover the real you today! I’m here to support you.

“I’m a rock star!” —Cynra, Type 3 woman


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  1. Cynra, you look awesome! Love the whole thing, but your confidence just shines. The shaved / long and curly hair is so great! Powerful, feminine, gorgeous!

  2. You all knocked it out of the park on this one. Cynra was ready to fly and you gave her the wings. Way to go!!!

  3. Her body language and speech patterns are type four. I don’t understand why they’re saying she’s type 3. It says in the online course that type 3 people sit with their legs crossed at an angle and she sits with her legs together and her hands in her lap like a type four.

    1. Look carefully and you will see her ankles are crossed and her head is tilted to one side. Her face is not symmetrical and she has a strong nose. If she was a type four she would not have looked good in the style she chose after.

      1. Agreed, Patricia, on all points. Charity, I believe you are picking up on Cynra’s secondary. Pretty sure she’s a 3/4 like Carol Tuttle. Carol, do you want to weigh in on this?

        1. Adding a point – Cynra’s character, the way she moves through life, is so type 3. Athletic, active, direct, busy. Also, Carol interacted with her in a certain jovial, more casual and yet familiar way that I’ve noticed when she interacts with fellow 3’s. As if she can be more herself without worrying about offending, seeming too loud, too insensitive, etc.. It’s a subtle thing, and perhaps I’m imagining it, so would be interested to hear further comments on that. Anyway, Cynara is definitely a 3, and now a very hot, amazing 3!

          1. Carol D. I’m confused on some of the things though. For instance, type two’s are supposed to have really soft sounding voices, but there was a make over with a woman named Ginger that was supposed to be type three, but her voice sounded soft to me. She did have a larger nose, but her voice and mannerisms seemed too soft to be type three.
            I’ve watched all the available material and I can’t figure out what type I am because there’s always something that doesn’t quite fit right in each category. Please don’t be angry with me. I’m not trying to be annoying about this. I’m just saying how I think; that’s all. I think, maybe that I should study it in more detail and then I’d get better at understanding the different types.

          2. I’m totally 6 months late. In typing, you focus more on their dominant facial features (the things that first pop out at you when you kinda glaze over at their face, is how I think of it). I’m not an expert by any means, but personality and life events do have a Huge effect on how we interact with the world. Deep down, we all still connect with the world in our energy type, no matter how far our personalities have gone. I have a soft voice, have been one of the quietest people in school, and I’m very gentle – but I’m a total 3. It was all from my upbringing. – Christine

    2. I’m with you, Charity, in that sometimes Typing is so tricky. Which traits do we consider signposts pointing to our Type, and which do we ignore?

      1. Yeah, sometimes it gets confusing because sometimes a person doesn’t fit any category completely. I’ve gone back and forth between type 1 and type 4 and I can’t seem to decide. I’m not as structured and cold as some 4’s that I’ve known or so air headed and random as some type 1’s that I’ve known. So, I can’t decide which I am.

        1. Just to be clear, I never refer to Type 4’s as cold as a personality trait, it is an energy that can be emitted at times, or Type 1’s as airheads! Those are unfortunate stereotypes that society has placed on people when their true nature and energy movement is not understood. My goal is to get rid of these negative references! I am sure you didn’t mean anything by them, yet it’s important for me to speak the truth and support what I teach on my website.

          1. well, I saw a video where you said to ask your parents what you were like as a child before any wounding or shaming could occur to your true nature, I think. At least, that’s what I thought it said. So, when I asked my Mom, she said I was definitely type 4 when I was younger. However, I’m not at all introverted and I think my features are more type 1. So, would it be okay if I bought the course for type 1? Also, I’m sorry for coming across rudely about the different types. I didn’t mean to offend or anything.

          2. Of course! Buy the Type 1 course. We are all learning how to see each other in a positive light and I am grateful Energy Profiling helps us do this.

      2. It is not tricky, it can just take time to interpret the movement correctly. Keep learning! Glad you are here!

        1. Thanks, Carol. I go through long spells of thinking I’m all set, but find that I really don’t care for many T2 styles. Definitely haven’t received the promised compliments. My One is pretty strong, so sometimes think I’ve just mis-identified which I lead with… I continue to work on it.

  4. I love her name! SHE LOOKS AWESOME!
    I was just like that before dyt. No make up, didn’t care. I also took someone with me because I was never taught how to put things together. Funny thing, my friend and I shopped once and we picked out the same style dress in two different colors. Here’s was more lavender, and mine was I know now a three shade. I bought both and wore her pick twice. I wore my choice all the time! She said I looked so good in it I totally pulled it off even if she didn’t think the color worked. It did! I really appreciate how DYT has helped me see and be me. I do shy away from lighter colors but I now enjoy shopping.

  5. Wow, wow, wow!!! I actually teared up when she came on camera. I resonate so much, having felt the same way most of my life. I wore jeans and t-shirts all the way to menopause, but then felt the need to change it up. Still in the midst of finding my style, and some days want to go back to jeans and t’s. But when I get it right, I feel so good! Rock on, Cynra!

  6. WOW! Another wonderful transformation! Cynra’s new hairstyle and clothes really reveal all her great beauty and essence. I’m sure everyone in her family and entourage just fell on their behind when they saw her!!! You rock, Cynra!

  7. I knew right away she was going to rock it! You could just see the potential. Her hair was just a prime example, you could see it would be fantastic let out of that pony tail. So glad she was ready to open up!

  8. Phenomenal!!! Everything really brought out her natural confidence and really played up her athletic build. She looks so HOT!

  9. Beyond fantastic! On the wrong woman, the partial shaved look is AWFUL, but obviously Cynra rocks it. 🙂 And what fabulous curls she has – wow! Totally hot. Bravo!

  10. Freaking awesome! She looks amazing and I love her confidence after! It makes her even more attractive!

  11. Wow!!! Jaw dropping!!! Cynra’s style is rockin. Love the several different colors in her eye makeup, really brings out her exotic beauty.

  12. Absolutely stunningly beautiful!
    Before and after as a person. Your light shined and now you have accessorized yourself to show your
    natural beauty of who you are on the outside too.

  13. Wow! Edgy! Love the curls. Love the zippers. I definitely could not pull that off, but she made a complete turn around.

  14. Love everything but the shaved head… it just adds nothing! (Assymetry is already there, it just makes it even more exaggerated.)

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