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End Shopping Frustration! How to Easily Find What You Want Every Time

DYT made shopping simpler, but here's how to become an active creator of the experience!

Are you tired of shopping online, or going in and out of stores, frustrated that you can’t find what you want?

You waste time, energy, and money with browsing, returns, and mistake purchases. That’s why so many women love it when they discover Dressing Your Truth. Once they know which of the 4 Types they are, it makes shopping so much simpler! After all, being able to eliminate 75% of the apparel and accessories available is a real game-changer.

But even with this newfound shopping advantage, I still witness women making shopping harder than it needs to be.

Years ago, I began paying attention to women’s shopping frustrations and what they would say about their experiences.

I heard the following phrases over and over:

  • I never find what I want.
  • It’s hard to find clothes that fit me right.
  • It’s hard to find shoes that are comfortable, attractive, and affordable.
  • Shopping online is too hard.
  • I never get the right size or color and have to figure out how to return it.
  • I get so overwhelmed by all the websites and choices available.
  • When I find something I love, it is always more than I want to pay.
  • I can’t stand shopping.

What are your top 3 negative shopping phrases?

In my book, Remembering Wholeness, I teach about the power our beliefs and language have in creating experiences in our lives. What we focus on, we energize and create more of.

This affects every area of our lives—including something like your shopping experiences! Every time you passionately share these negative beliefs about shopping, you’re setting yourself up for a struggle. A struggle-based shopping experience is just one more compromise of the old fashion and beauty paradigm you experienced pre-DYT!

Join me in making a complete shift into a more enlightened experience of shopping by becoming a conscious creator of it.

Recall what you pinpointed as your top 3 negative shopping phrases.

Choose from the list above, or think of other frustrations you always feel when shopping. Rewrite them and shift them to positives!

Here’s how:

Swap the negatives out for these positives:

I never find what I want.
It’s amazing how things just show up for me so easily, right when I want them!

Lifestyle member Pamela shares her experience:

Pamela Type 1

“I love going into the store and easily spotting any colors that are Type 1. Thrift shopping and finding treasures is so fun and knowing why things work and feel good makes for a wardrobe I love. 😊”

It’s hard to find clothes that fit me right.
The clothes I love the most always fit me the best.

It’s hard to find shoes that are comfortable, attractive and affordable.
I’m so grateful for how easily I find shoes that fit well, look great, and are a price I can afford.

Shopping online is too hard.
Every time I shop online, I find what I want within minutes.

I never get the right size or color and have to figure out how to return it.
The websites always have the items I want in my size, so I don’t even have to think about returns.

Ri shared: “I no longer follow fads! I pay attention to trends that are within my style in order to stay current, but I am my own authority 😉T4/2.”

I get so overwhelmed by all the websites and choices available.
I’m guided to the correct websites, and the correct choices are made known to me instantly.

When I find something I love, it is always more than I want to pay.
I love how the good deals on clothes I love always seem to find me.

I can’t stand shopping.
I’m grateful for how easy it is to shop. I always find what I want and it takes very little time and effort.

Now you’re ready to experience shopping ease.

It worked for me! I learned that when I apply a more conscious focus to make shopping a joyful experience, I immediately start to see the results. Even my mother noticed this result in my life! She told me once, “When you walk into the store, things that are perfect for you just fly off the racks!”

This has become my standard experience now. Here’s the process I follow every time:

1. Verbalize my desire.

When there’s something I want to add to my wardrobe, I verbally express my desire which starts the process of creating it and causing it to show up. I do this even before I go out shopping for it. I just put it out there.

For example, if I wanted some new jeans with specific features, I would say, “I m grateful that the perfect new jeans are showing up for me. I’ll know where to go to find them.”

2. Shop with expectation.

I may have a shopping date planned at this point, or I might just feel prompted to stop by a certain store. In either case, what I want always shows up.

3. Express gratitude.

Once I receive it, I always say thank you. Who am I talking to? To God, my angels, and the creative force of the universe that are all at my disposal to help me as the creator I am!

I believe nothing is off-limits.

N.L. found this to be true as well! When she started to use this process, everything changed for her:

N.L. Type 3

“Shopping has become so easy that I hardly need to try and often find perfect items when I’m not even trying. Affirmations, setting an intention, and expressing gratitude before I even start have truly created ease and enjoyment where there used to be hopelessness and cynicism. I found this amazing sweatshirt when I wasn’t even clothing shopping and waited a beat and got it for a perfect price on sale even. This headscarf was found during a thrift store run years ago after I learned to set an intention of what I would like to receive and express gratitude to my Creator before even walking into the store. I still wear it multiple times most weeks. Forever grateful for a colorful joyful existence and shopping experience 4 years later!”

If we want to create ease and joy with any human experience, it’s available to us, we just need to ask.

I’m excited to watch you continue to elevate yourself from the old fashion paradigm with these tools.

How have you created successful shopping experiences?

Share your insights and steps in the comments.

Let’s keep evolving together as women.

Want to grab some items that are definitely your Type? Make sure you check out StyleInspire twice a week for the new boards, curated by the Experts. And then get accessories for your Type in the DYT Online Store!

Shop your Type’s jewelry and makeup in the DYT Store!

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  1. I read this in your book shortly after starting DYT and I couldn’t believe all the things that were coming up, in my inbox, on sale! It’s the first time in my life that I was finding too much! I am tall and have always had a hard time finding things but suddenly I was finding so much and loving it all! I loved my wardrobe for the first time in my life. Last Sunday I went into my closet and I wasn’t feeling good. I just looked at my clothes and fell back into my old thoughts that there was nothing to wear. Then I told myself, No! There are all kinds of great things in here and they make me feel good, and wouldn’t you know that I pulled out an outfit right away… and got so many compliments on it later that I was embarrassed for the attention! 😉 Carol is absolutely right! I’m so thankful.

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