From “I’m Sorry” to “I’m Confident!” Megan’s Type 2 Before & After

Megan is a soft and subtle Type 2 woman who felt like she had to overcompensate for not being outgoing and bubbly. Even when she tried, she would fall short and feel like she wasn’t good enough.

Can you relate to this? Does it cause you to ask yourself, “Why even bother?”

In this powerful Before & After, Megan is ready for her outer appearance to match her inner confidence as she settles into her Type 2 nature. Watch for her lovely transformation at 9:30. It will warm your heart as much as it did ours.


Start Dressing Your Truth today!


Enjoy these other Type 2 Before & Afters:

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  1. I loved this transformation! Megan looks so beautiful in her new style, it’s so soft and pretty and yet soothingly comfortable. I kept thinking about the T1 new expert, Stephanie, and how they mirror each other.

    1. Yes their voices sound similar. Very sweet and gentle. I wonder if my voice sound like that to others too 🙂 (2/1)

  2. She looks so beautiful! I love the type 2 makeovers. And she said something I feel too- not enough, not good enough, not right somehow etc 🙁

  3. She looks lovely! I used to do just the same thing with my hair before dressing my truth. I have so many pictures of it pulled back. I always envied people with sleek hair. Now I know my hair is perfect for me and a few messy fly away pieces just make it look all the better.

  4. You look great Megan! I would totally wear that outfit (T2/1). I’ve been looking for that color pant. It is such a relief not having to put on brighter T1 colors to compensate for a quieter energy. I also love a little bling here and there. Love your glasses!

  5. What a beautiful gift you are to the world, Megan. As a sister 2/1 it’s wonderful to see you embrace and relax into who you truly are. I wish you an amazing, lovely journey. I know you will <3 Thank you for sharing.

  6. Beautiful, Megan! Thanks for reminding us 2/1’s to be gentle and patient with ourselves, just as we are with others. Carol, I so appreciate how you modulate your energy when you are supporting people with other dominant energies. On the T2 videos you soften and lead with your heart even more. Thank you!

    1. Thank you Carol! We are all happy to hear that you are enjoying the tools and video’s in Lifestyle!

  7. Oh My Gosh, Megan, what a transformation!!!! Your skin calmed down (Ann has said hers gets red with the wrong colors). Your hair is AMAZING! Your eyes are beautiful. This is such an inspiring transformation!!! I hope you will join the Sweetness and Light (T2/1,1/2) Face book group! Welcome to your true self <3

  8. Megan, you have the most beautiful eyes! Now your whole look supports the beauty that was already there. So happy for you!

  9. I LOVED watching your transformation, Megan!! You look absolutely gorgeous!! I love your sweet, gentle voice. I’m a 2/1 also so it was fun to see your style! I love the sparkle as well. 🙂 Blessings to you as you continue on your journey!

  10. WOW….magical .
    I am happy to find that I am not the only 2 with “Zero hair IQ”
    Because of my zhiq I now have short hair. I can’t reef it back into a ponytail and feel ugh any longer.
    Thank you Megan and Thank you Carol

  11. These makeovers never seem to get old. I also love how Carol honors the T2 nature – subtle, soft, etc.. When Megan came out, you could see how excited Carol was with the results but she responded in a way that was honoring to Megan’s nature. I spent tonight watching all the new videos and I realized that I haven’t fully embraced DYT with hair, makeup and the full five components and I have also adopted a similar attitude of ‘why bother’. When I go shopping now, I have been letting my eye wonder to what I am attracted to and have come home with some interesting choices. I definitely like color which is why I never felt completely at home with the T2 style guide. Interesting that Megan is a S1…I also recognize T1 aspects (light not heavy) but not sure if this is secondary or not for me (i.e. 2/1 instead of 4/1) Each video seems to add another element to my understanding. Megan, you look so beautiful – it was as if you just came alive with the transformation. The color of those pants is awesome! I did not realize that the pant color was T2 but it works so well in the outfit as a whole.

  12. You look beautiful Megan! It always makes me happy to see other 2/1’s in these video’s. Sometimes I get feeling down because some of the other brighter, bolder types get so much attention and wowzas that I feel like I am insignificant. However, when I see other 2/1’s looking so soft and pretty, I feel proud to be a soft subtle woman (with a touch of cuteness)! You are gorgeous!!!

    1. Thank you from all of us on Carol’s support team! Carol and all of us appreciate hearing from you!

  13. Seeing Megan’s face and hearing her story definitely helps me feel confident in my own Type 2-ness. I do have some secondary Type 4 as well so like one of the other videos, it can cause problems! I really identified with Megan’s struggle. Thank you for sharing!

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