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Ever Feel Stuck? It Could Be Your Birth Story (Part 1)

You have a unique birth story, and with that experience comes its own birth energy. Based on the circumstances of your birth, an imprint of struggle may be imprinted on your current energy.

In this first video of a two-part series, I’m going to help you release this imprint so that you can let go of feeling stuck, unwanted, or scared. So take a big breath, set an intention, and let’s get started.

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

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  1. That was very freeing, and it helped me so much! I’m looking forward to part 2. I got my ticket for the Orlando event in December and hoping to give you a thank-you hug!

  2. I didn’t realize how powerful this would be. I am almost 70. I was wanted. My mother had a reaction to the morphine which she yelled that she “did not want” and her labor stopped. I stopped. She started to bleed. She passed out on the table in the delivery room. I was pulled out with forceps and I was separated from my mother for 10 days in the nursery. I was brought to her and I guess my dad held me. I have always felt closer to my dad and have felt guilty about that. My mother was told she should not conceive again. So, I was to blame for her decision not to have more children. This was a freeing video. I may need to do it again. I cried. It wasn’t my choice, it was God’s that I was born. I want to glorify Him and His decisions are always good. What happened to my mother wasn’t my fault.


  3. This was very powerful to me. I was wanted but my father wanted a boy, also my mother felt lonely in her pregnancy, didn’t get the support she needed. I was crying doing the tapping, I still do, so I think I need to do this several times. Today my father wouldn’t want a child with another gender, but he was very disappointed at that time and I felt it and I always tried to be more like a boy to please him. Thank you for this one!!! <3

  4. Wow! I knew about most of the circumstances around my birth, but realized during the tapping that so much of my difficulties in my life with my father stemmed from him not being in the delivery room with my mother. I cried about my pattern, stemming from then, of him “not being there for me.” Fathers weren’t allowed in delivery rooms in the 50s, when I was born. What a relief to let go of that!! And, mom’s labor with me was induced; her obstetrician didn’t want his Christmas interrupted with delivering me, so I was born 3 days before I wanted. Timeliness has been an issue for me for a looong time! Thank you so much, Carol! I had no idea how big this was! I can hardly wait for the next video! 😀

  5. Thank you so much for this video, it came the right time. I added one experience for me during the tapping. i was born with the umbilical cord around my neck and this seems connected to my pattern that things go well first and than something devastating happens, or the fear of something to suddenly happen. I am not sure, it is just my guess. Do you have any ideas what pattern can be connected to this, so I can focus and let it go?

  6. Wow! That was exactly what I needed. I didn’t realize how deeply birth energy could affect someone until I completed the clearing. I was crying and releasing so much pent up emotion. Thank you Carol!

  7. Wow. Thank you. I think I’m going to ask my daughter if I can be proxy for her and do this for her. She had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice, and she was pulled out by forceps, and the nurse was pushing on the womb trying to get her out before I was dilated to 6. She was born on her due date – she must be a 4/3 or 3/4 – and the intensity of her birth experience.

    1. Yes. I will be producing a clearing that parents can do for their children and also I will be producing some content on how to do proxy clearings for other people using any of my healing sessions. I don’t know the dates for these yet.

  8. Clearing my birth energy has been the most profound experience in my DYT journey. I cried, then laughed with relief. It’s just gone. Totally gone. Thank you for showing me how to do this!

  9. I really needed this…thank you! Is it possible to also clear your childrens birth stories by doing the tapping on yourself?

  10. Oh, wow! I had no idea some of the stuff that came up was even there. Thank you! I look forward to the video about clearing by proxy! 🙂

  11. I have been looking for this kind of healing, I was unplanned by my 23 yr old unmarried mom. Where my dad had no idea i existed until my was 3 months along. I think my dad was excited but it was a newer relationship for them and I believe my mom was nervous and scared. I have had strong perfectionist insecure sometimes personality. I,always think people don’t want me and plays out in my career. Thank you so much for sharing your insight ❤

  12. That was amazing and unexpected. I never thought I had any hangups about my birth. In fact, my birth story was one thing I thought was good in my childhood. I was praised by my T3/4 mom for being 1 month early, a fast delivery, and coming out breach. By being born breach she praised me because #1 I played with the doctor as he tickled my feet and I would pull them back up away from him; and #2 I had no bruising on my face which left me the “prettiest baby in the nursery”. Participating in this exercise was something I decided to do because I am stuck and nothing else seems to be working to get me moving forward. Might as well try this as the other healing have been super helpful. I discovered that my birth story issues began in Heaven, pre-birth. I didn’t want to be born. I didn’t want to leave that joyful, peaceful, loving place. I was afraid of being forgotten. I was not looking forward to the pain and discord waiting outside the womb at home. Wow!!! Thank you. Many things make sense now. There just aren’t words to express my surprise.

  13. This was a very emotional experience for me. I asked my Mother in December about my birth story because I didn’t know much. Only that she cried when I was born because I was covered with hair and looked like a monkey. So I messaged her over facebook and asked her if I was early or late or if the delivery was difficult.

    She messaged me back and proceeded to tell me that I was the product of marital rape. That the family was very unhappy that she was pregnant again so soon because my Dad didn’t have a steady job and they couldn’t afford another child (my brother was just over a year old at that time) but that nobody was more upset than she was because she could barely handle one child. She said she almost lost me at 4 months along and was in the hospital for a week. That everyone treated her badly because she was pregnant and how miserable she was and that my Grandmother made her wait until after a photo shoot she scheduled for my brother was over before agreeing to take my Mom to the hospital when she went into labor. From this I gather that I was early because I don’t think my Grandmother would have scheduled the shoot if my Mother was due to deliver at that time.

    She must have realized that I was upset by what she was telling me, because she did followup with, “but I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you.” Except I already knew that was not true. I had digestive issues as an infant and kept them up all the time. I heard stories about how tired she was all the time and how my Dad used to lock her and I in a room and not let her out until I stopped crying. I have cried about learning this on and off ever since. I realize now that always feeling like the unwanted child was not just in my head. I felt like I had to be like my brother because even though he was conceived out of wedlock, he seemed to be accepted by everyone where I was not. Everyone always wanted to know what his plans were, but nobody ever asked me what mine were.

    This clearing had a profound effect on me and I definitely needed it, but processing this is going to take time….

  14. I started crying and I wasn’t expecting that. It felt good and cleansing to cry though. Thank you Carol!

  15. I just revisited this clearing, as a prompt during listening to _Remembering Wholeness_. I got the prompt from Spirit that more of my issues were ready to be cleared, especially around my power and deservingness. Going through the part about taking on the parents’ DNA and beliefs, it was a shock to me, my Spirit Self, the crap they believed was true and operated from, and the weirdness of assuming the flesh assembled by their DNA. I felt shocked to feel so limited by their beliefs, even as I was developing in my mother’s Womb! Most interesting. I feel more now that that Spirit self is my true nature, and this limited, flesh self really is just like a suit I’ve put on for awhile. I’m writing this after doing the reframe, in Video #2.

  16. After doing this clearing I realized on a knowing level that my dad was disappointed that I was not a boy. I was my dad’s son until my younger brother was able to do things with him. And then my dad didn’t need me any more. I know my dad loved me, but there was an underlying nagging.

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