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3 Healthy Food Tips: Grab & Go Options for the Type 3 Woman

How to set yourself up for success, instead of grabbing quick unhealthy foods.

You move swiftly through life, getting a lot done!

But are you taking the steps necessary to set yourself up for a healthy experience with food—instead of grabbing unhealthy options?

I’ve got 3 tips to help you. We’re talking healthy snacks in your purse, prepping easy slow-cooked meals, and ways to avoid the “starve and binge” patterns while you’re checking items off that to-do list.

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  1. This was so so wonderful! I’m a T2 and had my T3 husband listen to it and he was blown away at how accurate it was. He has been a huge mixed nut fan for a long time 🙂 He loves crunchy stuff and texture and is a huge fan of pecan pie. He eats very healthy these days and is always trying to have healthy substantial food. I try and help remind him to have snacks because he often times gets ravenous all of the sudden and needs to eat asap. Great video, thank you.

  2. I have an eating disorder. I used to starve and binge when I was a preteen. I started to under eat when I was teenager. I used to have mixed nuts on me all the time and I also loved eating corn nuts and toaster strudels.Nowadays I have a really hard time eating at all. I do relate to the food I like eating is very type 3, finger foods, spicy dynamic food, grab and go and nutty/crunchy food. But in general I have a bad relationship with food. 🙁 When I’m stressed out I can’t eat and I have a hard time taking the time to relax because I ”have more important things to do”. Which is not true. I know it logically but I don’t feel that in my heart that my health is the most important thing. Anyways, good video! 🙂

    1. I love chips, corn nuts, rice crackers! I’m sorry about your eating disorder. I wonder if tapping would help and some positive affirmations about food being your energy to keep going? Hugs to you!

  3. This was one of the ways I was able to be clear on my T3 nature – the thoughts and actions around food from an earlier video (it might even have been that purse video!). I do have a secondary 2 so when I allow myself and set time for eating I enjoy a variety of rich food along with comfort food but my tendency is always to grab and go. My tip is to set time – I have a designated time for breakfast (on the way to work), lunch (I make myself sit and eat lunch as a teacher knowing it is good not only for me but my students – I could easily work through lunch – and for dinner because it is good for my children and my snack is always on my way home with a B12 vitamin drink to get me over that mid afternoon hump. I do this every day at the same time to get me ready to go, go, go with my kids after school schedule. BUT I do have to make myself and have conversations with myself when that go, go, go kicks in. I have a Virgo moon so healthy lifestyle and food choices will become a necessity if I have strayed from a healthy path – and I love how Carol mentions that as a T3 we seem to have a good awareness of what our bodies need. I can sense when I am low in protein or when I am needing water – not in a “Im hungry” way – on a deeper level of understanding. Another tip – look at the Whole Foods website – they often have awesome articles and items that are suggested for grab and go healthy lifestyle. Even going into the store for their pre-made cafeteria style food is a great option on the run. There is always a great variety of food from sushi to salads to soups and casseroles along with their specialty of being allergy friendly. Some of my favorite grab and go healthy options are Garden Lite muffins – dairy free, gluten free and full of veggies but with a sweet dose of chocolate or blueberry or banana depending on the type of muffin. They also have just plain old veggie muffins to eat as a quick lunch option or as a side with dinner. Organic breakfast sandwiches make a quick and healthy lunch option as does pre-made organic soups. I always carry a protien bar for those days that sitting down is not a possibility as well as some type of crunchy option – veggie sticks, dried veggies or mixed dried berries with nuts. I am so grateful that I have learned these ways of fueling my active, reactive go, go, go T3 body! It really makes a huge difference!

  4. Relating to the tendency to not take TIME to support myself with healthy food choices or even REFILLING the WATER BOTTLE! Thank you for the reminder. I have a great water bottle, but have not been using it lately and know I’ve been dehydrated. In the past I’ve passed out from dehydration, and more frequently experienced migraines for the same reason. Those freezer meals are so helpful, too. I haven’t done freezer cooking in a while, but just having a main course prepped in the freezer to toss in the oven or crock pot really does support me in taking care of our food needs without feeling like it takes all day (which, of course, it doesn’t. But making food can feel like such an interruption. LOL!)

  5. This is great! I love these ideas! I make a hug thing of healthy energy bars. I love them. They are a healthy grab and go substancial food.

  6. Loved this video and it really resonated with me. As a 3/2 I like grab and go, texture and also experience the emotional/comfort food eating. I always have my big water bottle with lemon water and have really enjoyed freezer cooking, one pot meals and sheet pan dinners. Soups have been a great quick lunch option this winter and I also love their warmth and variety of flavors and textures.

  7. Oh you had me at brownie! You’ve described my 3/2 eating habits as if you followed me around for a week taking notes. I think I need to take the time to invest in a prep day for the following week, plan out the breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and get them all in grab-and-go containers. I never even thought to incorporate the T3 key words into my food choices, even though as you talked and I thought about it all of my favorites are rich, substantial, dynamic type foods!!

  8. So glad you love your water bottle. I take mine everywhere. I am also so grateful you are sharing healthy tips!
    I buy lots of fruits and veggies, get them home, wash and cut up and have them ready for everyone to grab and go.

  9. I really love beets. The color of red beets is so beautiful and just speaks to me. The flavor is a bit earthy and sweet. My favorite it cutting them before cooking, as the color variation inside is just beautiful!

  10. I not only do the freezer 1 pot meals but I also do skillet meals, casseroles, etc. I’m only cooking for two so I have found 4x8x3 inch aluminum pans and split my lasagna recipe into the two pans. I pre-bake for about 15 minutes and once cool freeze. I can then stick it frozen into a 400F oven and it is done in about 45 minutes – and it tastes fresh not freezer burned and reheated. Now I have to work on remembering my water!

  11. This goes a long way to explaining why I can’t follow a weekly menu plan. I put up soups in a crock pot most mornings and end up having a once or two of nuts + a fresh vegetable juice I’m made at home.I’m a morning person so this works for me. (And lots of filtered water for me too)

  12. I love this! I buy frozen organic veggies and will throw them in a pyrex dish with some coconut oil and some seasoning of my choice and toss them in the oven for 30 minutes, stir them at 15 minute mark, and BAM! I have a healthy side for lunch or dinner with little prep.

  13. I grab and go with snacks only. If I forget to put something in my purse, which is usually an apple or nuts, I eat chocolate,unfortunately can’t stop at one! My T2 husband has veggies prepped already so if I slow down on my way out the door and grab some, I’d be so much better off in my snacks! I love veggies so I put tons of spinach and a little tomato in my eggs every more. Unfortunately I found out that too much spinach can cause kidney stones, which I just had blasted out! Not fun! I love to cook, and my quick go to dinners are sheet pan meals. Has protein and veggies all in same pan and it’s awesome! Thanks for the tip on the water bottle! I have reused plastic ones and the water where I work isn’t filtered .

  14. Love homemade LaraBars (dates and nuts) and making healthy foods from Run Fast, Eat Slow. I tend to go through phases, though, and will admit that I rely on frozen Indian food from Trader Joe’s or takeout salads. Some weeks are busier than others. I love nuts in salads, too. I tend to crave crunchy foods but also warm foods. Salads don’t always satisfy. I do love soups which can last for awhile.

    1. Roasted veggies once a week can last several days. I also LOVE roasted cauliflower with curry! Great snack! Roasted brussel sprouts, too!

  15. I love nuts and seeds. I ALWAYS have water with me when I leave the house (glass or stainless steel bottle). When I was in university I would sometimes prepare an oat porridge with honey and nuts. Sometimes I make a large quantity of quinoa which I add veggies to, to last a few days

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