What’s My Secondary Energy Type? Evening with Carol

Your secondary makes you unique! Here's how to discover it.

Wondering how to determine your secondary Energy Type?

Are you curious why knowing it is important or how it plays into your wardrobe?

At this month’s Evening with Carol, Carol answers those questions for you and gives you tips to discover your secondary!

Watch and get Carol’s insights and tips to help you determine your secondary Energy Type and how each person can bring in their secondary energy into their personal style.

Still unsure of your secondary? Want to go deeper into secondaries? Join Lifestyle.

Take the life-changing knowledge about your Type a step further. We go into so much more detail about secondaries in Lifestyle.

Exploring your secondary is a fascinating process that helps you deeply love yourself. Plus, I’ll show you how to use it to personalize your style!

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  1. Carol, thank you so much for this video! I’ve been struggling to determine my secondary type, and this helped me realize that I still have a lot to learn about living my truth as my dominant type. Learning my secondary (I think) helps me to notice when it’s taking over.

    I have a question about part of what you teach in this video. You’ve said that when we’re in a situation (usually as children) where our dominant energy type is not being honored, or where we don’t feel safe expressing it, that our secondary type takes over. Is it always the secondary that comes forward? Or can it be one of the other types?

    The answer could actually confirm what I now think is my secondary — the last one I expected! I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks!

    1. Hello Gina, thank you for your question. Carol teaches that it is usually the secondary nature that people will revert to when we are not living true to our dominant Energy Type and that, as survivors by nature, we could be calling on whichever energy will best support us in the situation we are in. If you have not done so already, you may enjoy reading Carol’s book, ‘Remembering Wholeness’.

  2. Before I joined DYT, I was convinced that I was a Type 2. However, since I joined, I have been thinking about my childhood, and up until I married, and I was full of life, joking with people, loved bright clothes and anything sparkly.
    The only thing that I carried with me, was the love of sparkly things and gold. Everything else seemed to disappear during marriage. I wore what I would call dull, lifeless colours. I was afraid to show my fun side, and became introverted for
    over 30 years. Now I’m on my own again, I’m becoming my fun, boiuncy self again. About four years ago, I started
    wearing more colours, I actually bought my first pair of gold shoes, and a gold handbag. Now I feel as though I have
    permission to dress in all the lovely tints you have shown me, and feel fantastic. Even though I don’t like myself in black,
    I bought 2 black jackets a couple of months ago. I loved the style, but have never worn them. Taking all the black out
    of my wardrobe wasn’t difficult, apart from 3 or 4 new items. But I definitely don’t miss them. After only doing this for a week, I held a black skirt up to me, and felt drab and heavy. So the black can now all go. Thank you for all this help.

  3. Very interesting :). I have determined that I am a 4/3, and I’d like to incorporate some of my secondary into dressing my truth. Carol says here that the world of color is vast, yet I’m thinking that for T4, that is not the case as it is for the other types. Would it be possible to give more suggestions how I, a 4, can add a secondary 3 to my look? Since the course only gives access to my dominant type, how do I figure out how to add my secondary?

  4. Hi everyone! In your experience, do you think the secondary Type of energy may change through the years or depending on circumstances we are going through in life?
    I think I’m a Type 2 with secondary 3 or 1… not too sure yet 😉

  5. You look fabulous in that outfit in your video here Carol! I’m still confused about my major Type. I think I’m a Type 4, but I also look great in clothing with several colors in it like you have on here. Solids are ok, but seem to wash me out no matter what color (except maybe white.)

  6. In response to the question about whether expressing all four energy types equally would make a perfectly balanced person: One thing that I’ve learned from studying art is that symmetry is not the same thing as balance; a piece does not have to be exactly symmetrical to have a pleasing, balanced, wholeness to it—in fact, perfect, uniform symmetry in design is generally discouraged in art schools right now (obviously, that’s a cultural issue, but I think it illustrates the validity of the main point here).

  7. Eyes are the windows to the soul and no matter what you end up behaving like your eyes will show you who you are. I notice in life that people look away or close their eyes if they are protecting themselves. What is discussed above goes against the bible description of how a personality is formed and one would expect that an adult would be different to a child. If we were to revert to who we were as a child to know who we are, we would be very immature, very inexperienced and very unable to adapt. We cannot go backward in order to know who we are. Every choice and every motive and every action determines who we will be. This is the reason why God warns us to be so careful about where we go, what we do, what choices we make – because – a new born child is putty, ready to be molded. If we have experienced trauma or sorrow, God will heal us, not clothing.

  8. This video was so good that I watched it twice. My big Ah-Ha was at the end when you said that when we are afraid that we try to sometimes hide our true nature. I experienced this recently. I was completely 100% living my truth as a T4 and then back in March felt very ganged up on by two close female family members (t3) over a conversation about my deceased grandmother. They were grumbling about her and that bothered me, especially because I had been her main caregiver at the end. I pondered their words and then calmly but matter of factly voiced that I disagreed and what my observation was. Now, I have never ever disagreed with these two women in my life, especially when they are together. O guess since living my truth, I naturally and maturely spoke my truth. What happened next is still ingrained in my heart. One of them got up, walked over to me, and squeezed my cheeks shut and told me to not comment any furthe

    1. Thank you Heather for sharing this! We are happy to hear that you have had ah ha moments with these tools provided as you embrace this information. Enjoy!

  9. I’m a T3 and am sure my secondary is 1. What you said really rang true to me. I am drawn to cute things and have been called cute a lot by lots of people but my dominant is definitely 3.

  10. If you have the course online, the next step is to get the lifestyle membership. I still need to do that. I think it has many of the videos that aren’t available elsewhere anymore plus a ton of new content. I finally got the men’s course for my hubby, so the lifestyle is next for me. Woot!

    1. That is awesome for you and your husband Jenna! This is Kathy from Carol’s support team! We have all of our tools and resources in one place now. Carol is offering more and more tools, video’s and resources in Lifestyle. You are going to love it! Enjoy!

    1. I second that, Kelley. I saw this a couple years ago and I heard new things
      In it this time around. I think I had so much brain fog I needed major
      Healing time, so I see real progress in myself. I am trying out the Type 2
      Style for 30 days. Still feel comfortable in that — but I have moments of
      3-ness. No black for sure. It never appealed to me.
      Happy Healing to everyone!☺️

      1. So funny. As I read your reply (late, sorry!) I found myself thinking, “She’s a type 2.” lol I’m glad to see I’m right!

  11. I don’t know my secondary!!
    I am a 3 (esp based on my face), have a lot of 1, 4, and quite a bit of 2!!!
    The more I read about them, the more confused I become. “I fit them all” as a secondary. Or am I even a primary 3???

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