Do You Say These Words? They May Show Your Energy Type!

The words you naturally say could be a clue to your Type

The words you say are powerful.

Just as your thoughts create an energy of their own, the words you use also have a distinct energy.

In my years of assessing people based on the 4 Types of Energy Profiling, I’ve noticed that people of each Energy Type prefer certain words to others, especially when they’re commenting on something they like or when they’re agreeing with someone.

Your Energy Type is expressed in all areas of your life—oftentimes without you even realizing it! I invite you to see if your reading habits, your shopping tendencies, and yes, even your handwriting reflect your true nature!

Which word does each of the Energy Types commonly say?

Type 1 Energy: Bright, Bouyant, Animated

The favorite word for a Type 1 person is “FUN”—said with excitement and enthusiasm with an upward, light, playful inflection in the voice.

For example: “That is so fun!” means you like something or appreciate it.

Type 2 Energy: Soft, Relaxed, Calming

The favorite word for a Type 2 person is “COOL”—said in a more subtle, less-obvious way in a calm voice without much inflection.

For example: “Oh, that’s cool!” means you think something is nice and enjoyable.

Type 3 Energy: Determined, Active, Dynamic

The favorite word for a Type 3 is “AWESOME”—said with passion, punch, and projection.

For example: “That’s awesome!” means you’re really excited about something. I find myself saying that out of nowhere while thinking, I am such a Type 3!

Type 4 Energy: Bold, Precise, Still

The favorite word for a Type 4 person is “EXACTLY” with a close-second being “PERFECT”—said in a very matter-of-fact way with no inflection in the voice.

For example: “Exactly” represents agreement. Is there really any more that needs to be said?

(Interestingly, I have noticed a pattern of Type 1 women who are married to Type 4 men using the word “exactly” since they’ve adapted some of their own language to match their Type 4 partner’s word choices.)

Do your words express your Energy Type?

Anyone can say any of these words—and they do! But each Energy Type typically expresses their common words more frequently and more true to their nature. It’s how each person uses the words that really makes a difference.

For instance, I say the word “Fun,” but not as often and certainly not in the same way as a dominant Type 1 person would.

You may not know how often you say these words true to your Type, so take time to do a little self-study and see what words you use frequently.

Leave a comment below and share whether or not you use the words of your Energy Type!


PS: Already curious about your Energy Type and want to go deeper into the experience? Our Lifestyle community is full of women like you who want to take their understanding of Energy Profiling to the next level, especially when it comes to fashion and creating your own personal style within Dressing Your Truth.

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  1. Type 1/3 here! I use all of these words all the time, but noticed that I tend to use some of them mostly while I’m adapting to other people/situations. For example, I use a low-key “cool” more often when I’m hanging out with calmer people and don’t want to overwhelm them. I tend to use “perfect” and “exactly” almost exclusively at work, where the structured environment inspires more structured Type 4 wording. But “FUN”, “Awesome” (that’s probably my secondary 3), and “Totally!!” are my go-to words when I’m completely being myself. 😀

  2. I’m a type 4. Along with “exactly” and “perfect”, I also say “neat”. For example, if something good happens to someone, I’ll say “That’s neat!”. While I do occasionally say them now, it took me a long time to get comfortable saying the words “cool” and “awesome”. Those words just sound awkward coming out of my mouth. I am also not comfortable calling people by their nicknames. I use their proper name- even with family members.

    1. Interesting, I’ve never been comfortable using people’s names at all (even proper names) in conversations, I’ve never understood why that is. I just feel awkward sometimes, trying to be “normal” in social situations. Not sure if this is a type thing or just my own weirdness, lol.

      1. I never call people by name or nickname unless I’m trying to get their attention (and then I suddenly panic, did I say the right name? Which is silly because I rarely need the attention of someone I don’t know well and I’m usually good at remembering names.)
        I also feel weird, like my personal space has been invaded, when someone calls me by name.

      2. I nickname people… and your post made me realize that friends have made it into a certain inner circle with me when they have received a nickname from me.

        And I do use people’s names – it helps me be heard and makes a connection. (I’m T2.)

    2. I am a 4/2, I had never thought about the use of names before. I have always used last names than first names, especially with my peers. Usually with those older or in authority roles, I have always included the proper noun Mr., Dr., Mrs., etc.I wonder if that was me showing myself who I am all along. Something else to think about. Thank you for the observation.

  3. I am a 2/1. I often say “nice” a lot in the situation of liking something done. If I like some particular thing, my response is “I don’t hate that”. Come to think of it, I said “cool” as my phrase all the time as a teenager, but I think I’ve stopped noticing that I say it.

  4. I say “that’s cool” in a very chill way when someone is talking about something they’re excited about. I often worry that I’m not enthusiastic enough for them, but it’s hard for me to fake excitement about something.

  5. Type 1 here. All my life I’ve always said ‘Have fun!’ when sending off people. For example: friend: ‘I’m going to the dentist to get a tooth extracted’ Me: ‘Have fun!’ I always internally believed you should find the fun in whatever you are doing.

  6. I say fun, cool, and exactly, but I almost never say awesome. It reminds me too much of Bill and Ted (lol). I’m a 1/2 so fun and cool make sense. I’ve been living in my type 4 a lot of my life though so maybe that’s where the exactly comes in. 4 is probably my tertiary too.

  7. I say cool and exactly more often than anything. Sometimes I say ‘fun’ but even if some friends and I make plans to go somewhere I hardly ever say “oh that sounds fun” I usually say “Okay, thats cool!” 🙂

  8. Type 1 here! I say fun A TON! For a while a couple of years ago I thought I was a 2 (makes me laugh now:), but someone pointed out to me, “Do you realize how much you say ‘fun’?” I started to notice and yes, I do! I can’t seem to stop! A close second is “cute.” I have a T4 dad who says “exactly” and “stupid” a lot, and I have noticed I picked up these words-which I also use frequently- from him

  9. I will often say “correct” instead of “yes”. EX: “Tracy, you said you wanted a soda, right?” “Correct.” I also use the word “technically” a lot, but that may be related to my line of work (engineer), although I use it outside of work as well. One of my favorite funny quotes (from Futurama) is “Technically correct is the best kind of correct!”. T4 here, in case that isn’t obvious!

    1. Exactly! I use the word “technically” all of the time, as well as “exactly,” “precisely,” “correct”and “perfect.”

  10. T2, I most often use wonderful, beautiful, good, and great, sometimes fabulous. Almost never use cool as an adjective, as that sounds so dated to me.

    1. Every time I the word cool slips out of my mouth I feel a bit embarrassed and wonder how old I sound and if kids these days even know what I mean.

  11. I definitely say “cool” or “nice” the most. I usually can’t think of anything else to say!
    “Exactly” would probably be second.

  12. I say awesome all the time! Usually it’s along the lines of, “That’s freaking AWESOME!!” Sometimes I think to myself, “man Maggie, you use awesome waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too much.” lol But there just isn’t a better word for me, except maybe amazeballs. But that’s my s1 coming out. haha!

  13. English is not my native language, but I definitely say the equivalent to “cool” in my own language. And, like Janel, I used to think that I had to prove to others that I was really excited…that was before discovering I’m a 2 and don’t have to force my natural expression 😉
    I also say “perfect” a lot, mainly when I agree with someone (i.e. on a date, plan, etc) and “exactly” when in a conversation someone says what I was already thinking.
    I don’t know my secondary yet, but there are lot of things pointing to 4…however I don’t feel I’m that much of an introvert or a still person… I don’t know but I don’t want to fall in the pit of overthinking it (which is a pattern in me).

    1. Hi Anne! I just noticed you used the word overthinking and said it’s a pattern in you… Could that perhaps be a clue to your secondary?? I’ve heard type Fours say they can overthink things- so that’s why I’m asking. It could be a clue….? My son and my husband have secondary four energy and they are anything but still.

      1. Elizabeth, you are so kind: thanks for your answer 🙂 I do have some clues indicating that 4 may be my secondary energy (one of them being what you kindly noticed); however, I can’t seem to see myself in the “stereotype” of a 2/4 person. It’s true that examples of 2/4 women are not abundant in the content of DYT website or Lifestyle, and I understand that it’s a matter of disponibility (maybe there aren’t too many, or they are more private), and because of that I can’t see a wide representation of how a 2/4 woman can be. I consider myself a fairly outgoing person (with some socialising problems that I carry from my experience with bullying in school) and I also consider myself “tough” (in a non-agressive and more discreet way). But I can see how I have some prejudices against the lower energies and I even know where those prejudices were originated in my life. I feel I’m a 2 (ever felt that way since my first contact with DYT) and 4 was my second “choice”…so it should be easy to settle, right? I feel beautiful in type 2 clothes (that have always been my preference, altough I have not always followed my instinct) and feel right in everything type 2. But somehow I can’t be “absolutely” sure, and I keep doubting myself. As for the secondaries, sometimes I think I have all of them, but mainly I don’t see myself fitting in any stereotype.
        I apologise for the novel here! I guess I needed to write… Again, thanks for your kind feedback, Elizabeth. I’m gonna let things flow and adjust for themselves…or at least I’m gonna try while I do some more research 😉

        1. Hi again! Just to let you know, I can see how it would be difficult to determine your secondary when you don’t see many representations of it here- and you’re looking for someone to relate to in that way. I read It’s Just My Nature and Child Whisperer first- THEN I found Carol’s website. So I already knew what I was. Come to think of it- the type one women here are mostly 1/4’s… I’m a 1/2. (I can think of maybe one other woman who’s a type 1/2, but that’s about it… If I”m mistaken, sorry!!) If you haven’t read Child Whisperer or It’s Just My Nature, I highly recommend it. Particularly the pages in CW that pertain to not being able to emotionally connect with the parent. That’s immediately how I identified my dominant and secondary. I wanted my parents to be happy- and they weren’t. They were heavy and depressed. This disturbed me greatly. I also wanted (in my secondary type two energy) emotional connection with them. So- It was just really easy to go back and see what I lacked as a child and put all the pieces together. For record- I think you are delightful no matter what your secondary is! Type two’s have a special place in my heart- my sister is a type 2! 😉

          1. Dear Elizabeth,
            Again thanks for your kind feedback, I appreciate it very much! I followed your advise: I had read “It’s just my nature” in the beginning of my “dyt journey” but I didn’t read “The child whisperer”. After reading your comment I purchased the e-book and started reading it: I got emotional when I read the Type 1 (as I can identify my beloved sister in it and she’s always been a tremendous support for me, and the expression “a ray of sunshine” fits her perfectly). When I read the type 2 chapter I got the same feelings as when I read “It’s just my nature”: the feeling of belonging, a serenity and a kind of “inner happiness”. I just want to let it written, in case I end up (as I’m sure I will!) doubting again my type! I haven’t finished it yet, but I’ve already read the type 4 chapter and, again, identified with some of the characteristics: since my early years, I’ve always have a clarity of thought meaning I’ve always knew where I stood in some matters (after studying and researching, I formed my own opinions of the matter), and my family and friends (I have few but really close friends) have always teased me about how I felt things deeply and had, what they said, “strong moral values” from an early age (I always cared very deeply for the environment or always stood up against bullies, and got teased – and bullied!- for it). But always with this Type 2 energy dominating… until I reached the age when I thought I had to “toughen up” and began acting more like a 3 and, more recently, like a 4 (which unbalances me terribly).
            Anyway, I still have some issues I carry from my childhood and my teen years and I can see I have many prejudices against type 2 and 4: maybe that’s the problem, the prejudices don’t let me see things clearly and confuse my feelings.
            I am so grateful for the type 1s in my life… their open-mindness and their ability to “pull me out” when I had gotten too deep in my feelings have made so much good in my life. My best friend, and my sister are both type 1s (or have 1 as a secondary); and I believe my husband is some combination of 4 and 1. I feel great around them and I deeply appreciate having them in my life <3

            I'm sorry if this comment is tooooo long and tedious: but I feel that, maybe, it can help (or at least "accompany") others in a similar situation.

            Thanks again, Elizabeth, for your kindness 🙂

          2. Hi Anne (and Elizabeth)
            I’ve read this exchange with interest so thank you. I’m a 2/4 and, in keeping with what you say, I don’t think I’ve ever commented on one of Carol’s posts before, although I read/watch a lot of DYT stuff! I realised I was T2 pretty quickly but that I’d been living my life (esp in career choice) as T4, which I’m sure is my secondary. I do say ‘cool’ in the way Carol mentions (but always surprise myself slightly when I do!) as well as ‘lovely’ and ‘wonderful’ – but I also say ‘exactly’ and ‘perfect’ a LOT! For me the DYT process has enabled me to embrace my T2 calm & flowing nature which I had been rejecting and understand where my need for both detail (T2) and perfectionism (T4) come from. Oh, and I overthink EVERYTHING!! xx

          3. Hello there, Helen, I’m so glad the you shared your experience 🙂 I long for reading more type 2/4 experiences… I would add that, for me, it’s always been a struggle “heart versus mind”: I felt through many years that I was a very contradictory person, if that makes sense. The thing is that, for many periods in my life, I’ve “acted” as an authentic extrovert and that confuses me (and in my overthinking process I doubt myself or I question whether my secondary is a higher movement). The one thing that remains most certain is that I’m a T2…but then, there’s chaos 😉
            Anyway, I hope to hear more about you and your experience: I wish you the best.

          4. That is so kind of you to say- thank you!! 🙂 You are very blessed to have people in your life like your husband and best friend and sister who you feel great around. That is a huge blessing. I understand about being prejudiced about certain types, I know I am too. It’s because of the people in my life who have hurt me deeply and I associate that “type” with some sort of “hurt” that I received from someone. Another thing that may help us overcome these stereotypes and become more open to other types is when Carol does her other videos on the “Myths” about being a type three and type four. I can’t wait for those to come out! I don’t know what country you are from, but I wish I could meet you- I love talking to you!

          5. Elizabeth, you are right: the series about myths is very useful! I like very much to “write” to you 😉 I don’t believe we could meet in person for now (I live in Europe!) but I’m definitely going to be around here for a while, so we’ll certainly talk again 🙂 Thanks for everything, Elizabeth: and shine bright! 🙂

  14. After watching Carols latest video with Karen and Teya- I picked up on another word we type ones say often (at least I do)…… “YES!” I’ll say “yes!” whenever someone tells me that something went well or they were successful at a project…. Carol said type ones have a lot of yes in their energy field. I totally see that!

  15. I am 2/3 and I say “cool” and “sweet” a lot! I have noticed some t4’s also say “correct”, which is kind of like saying “exactly” 😀

  16. I’m a Type 1 and pretty sure a S2, although I use the words “exactly” and “perfect” (with enthusiasm) quite a bit. I am married to a Type 4 husband!! LOL

  17. Hmm. I say all of these things in different situations or for how I feel something is…sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s cool, sometimes it’s awesome and sometimes it’s perfect! I’m not sure if I can pick out one I use more than the other. I’ve been trying to sneak the word “rad” in when I can cause I like that word.

  18. T3 here. When I think something is AWESOME! I say just that with such passion (and if writing ALL CAPS)! I also say “that’s fun!” a lot when I agree/ am happy or excited! But I definitely say awesome when I LOVE something. And if I say “COOL!” it is the same.

  19. Not in the same way struck me. I LOVE using the word FUN <3 and I use the others words often also, but not in the light heart way I do Fun. Like Cool for me is like a type 1 uh uh listening but still thinking. Awesome with a smile but no push. Perfect also with a smile and that is so perfect for you kind of way, you should totally to that. 😀

  20. This was very enlightening. I am a T1, but could not decide what my second nature was (3 or 4). After reading this it is clear that I am a S3. Fun and awesome are my go to words. I should not be surprised by this revelation, as I once thought 3 was my type! As a T1/S3 I know that sometimes I overwhelm others with my passion and enthusiasm, so I have learned to consciously try and calm down around quieter people. When I do use the word “cool” however, it is usually very emphatically “That’s so Cool!” and not at all chilled because I find everything exciting. Glad to know it is just my nature!

  21. I use “cool” a lot, but then I’m older and I remember when it was “cool” to say that! Also cute and sweet, but never awesome, perfect or fun. I still am having difficulty fitting into a category!

  22. I think I’m 1/4, and my go-to phrases are “FUN!” and “awesome!” I also say “cool-cool-cool” (always three times fast) and “yay!” Plus I say abbreviations such as “OMG” rather than the words. And “yaass” and “absolutely” (is that a 4 word?).

  23. I’m definitely type 1 because I say all these words. This is what got me from the first time I joined dyt after reading the books. I couldn’t choose a type so I tried joining course 4 but didn’t get in then changed my mind to course 2 and found out I had to buy the course first. So I stuck with course 2. Until I was helped finding my t1. I always say Cute and fun first especially lately. Also say Cool here and there. Say Awesome alot. Perfect and Exactly as well. I’ve been saying Apparently and Obviously alot lately. I guess when I’m in different moods all these words come out.

  24. Hmmm…this one is HARD. I’m a little of all of those words. I had to really try to break it down and settle on one but that’s hard. Perhaps I’m mostly between 3&4 with 3 being the dominant but it really depends on the situation. I’m also totally overthinking this which is totally in my nature – haha!

  25. T4 S3 here. I also use “Absolutely!” and “Definitely!” a lot. My secondary likes the “Awesome!”. I do use “Fantastic!” as well. Things often come out linked together like “Definitely Awesome!”

  26. As a type 4 I relate to sayings “perfect, correct and exactly”, but one word I use all the time while commenting on things is the word “TRUE” or “Truth”. But when I agree with someone my phrase has always been “True” or “That’s the Truth” In a type 4 world its either black or white. Right or wrong. So by saying “True” or “Thats the truth” I’m agreeing or validating what someone has just said to me.

  27. I’m a 2/3 – and indeed I still say “cool” even though I know it is outdated – it just seems to slip out. And, I will also frequently use the word awesome, since my secondary 3 is quite alive and well.

  28. I look best in type 1 colors, but the words I use to express myself fully are “that’s the bomb!” when something is exciting. Sounds like type 3 to me.

  29. I’m a 1/2 I do say FUN and COOL, as of lately – my texted responses have been “That’s AMAZINGLY AWESOME!” So what does that mean? A type 1 twist to a type 3 word?

  30. I’m a T2 married to a T4 and I worked in IT with a lot of type 4s for over a decade. I had already noticed that I say perfect and exactly a lot and guessed it was my husband’s influence – lol. Cool is probably my favorite word ever (seriously).

  31. I am a type 2/1 and say “cool” all the time, but I also use “awesome” just as much and “perfect”, “exactly” and “correct” quite a bit. Like “that’s so cool” and then interchange with “very awesome”. I do say “fun” sometimes. Like “have fun”.

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